Monday, June 6, 2011

How the name came to be...

When I decided to do a blog, I knew I wanted a catchy title, not just Verhulst Place or Margot's Blog.  I don't expect this blog to really gain national attention, but just for my own sake, I wanted a cool name.   The first one that popped into my mind was Marge at Large.  I loved it and it was perfect... until of course, the availability checker tells me it's already taken. Boo.  So then the wheels started turning.  Everything from: The Goat's Quotes (if you don't know-- I have many nicknames, "The Goat" being one of them), A Note from The Goat, Margotto (also taken), Big Adventures of Large Marge or B.A.L.M (thank you, Kara Purdy) and finally, the one I was so close to going with.... The Goat She Wrote.  It was much more stressful than I think it should've been.  Then, I wrote Aunt Cinda in West Virginia.  She has good opinions about this sort of thing.  She told me that it should be about "what I'm trying to do....not all these nicknames".  At first it sounded cheesy, but then I agreed with her.  So thus came the laborious task of trying to capture what I'm "doing" with this blog.  ugh. As I mentioned, I'm simply trying to update friends and family.  

Otto went to bed and I was determined to have a name and blog started by Sunday night.  Who am I and what am I doing?? I'm a home ec teacher (although proper nomenclature is "Family and Consumer Sciences").  I like traveling. I have a couple nutty dogs. I enjoy doing domestic activities--- but only on MY terms... hmmm. And then it just popped in my head... HOME EC-SCAPE!  I was thrilled with it... and here's why: 1) I love to "Ec-scape" the home  = TRAVEL, 2) I wanted to "Ec-Scape" facebook (see first post) 3) I teach Home Ec, but am a complete departure from the stereotypical Home Ec teacher-- old, with children, (or maybe a spinster), somewhat plain and very experienced in domestic activities.  I do cook well, but not consistently.  I clean very thorougly, but again, not consistently.  Afterall, as a teacher, I attempt to get my students to buy-in to "ec-spcaing" the old school ways of thought in regard to gender roles and rather being open-minded to becoming well-rounded, well-informed, self-sufficient young adults. And lastly 4) I suppose blogging is somewhat of an introspective "ec-scape".  So there you have it.. the name in a nutshell.  Now let's get this thing started.


  1. Great job babe. I love it already. I'm glad you came in and woke me up when the light bulb came on!!!!! The name is perfect.


  2. I have lived near you for 5 years? and i don't know anything about "the goat" i am so out of the loop.
